We are here to help you in your efforts to enforce the divorce as decreed, or to change it as becomes necessary. Please don’t hesitate to call us.
You finally got divorced and thought you were done. Maybe everything went smoothly from the day the judge signed the decree, or maybe you are now unhappy with the decree for legitimate reasons. Perhaps your ex was obstructive and caused the costs of litigation to soar. If so, now that the judgment is signed, you may have recourse in the form of a Request for Attorneys Fees .
The sobering truth is that things can and do change over time. Thankfully, Divorce Decrees are not cast in stone. Perhaps your spouse isn’t paying support. Maybe your toddler is now college age and needs financial assistance as Child Attending School, a circumstance your divorce decree may not have addressed at the time of judgment. Perhaps you lost your job or can only work part-time, or you’re now on disability and can’t pay the level of support to your ex as decreed in the judgment. Bier Family Law represents many clients in post-dissolution actions, either because the client or the opposing party has experienced a substantial change in circumstances for a variety of reasons. The good news is that you are not necessarily stuck with the terms of the judgment if you or your children have experienced a substantial change in circumstances. Bier Family Law represents many clients in post-dissolution actions, either because the client or the opposing party has experienced a substantial change in circumstances for a variety of reasons. Judgment Modifications, Enforcement of Judgments and Requests for Attorneys Fees all fall under Post-Dissolution Actions you may wish to pursue.
Thankfully, Divorce Decrees are not cast in stone. If you, your children or your ex have experienced a substantial change in circumstances, it may be time to seek a judgment modifcation. |