Smoothing the Way to Easier Transitions
A Parenting Time Plan must take into account the child’s best interests.
The court may include certain safeguards within the parenting plan if it is determined that a parent poses a risk to the child’s health, safety, or well being. For example, supervised visitation may be ordered where there has been or are concerns of domestic violence, drug abuse, or neglect. Other provisions can be put in place if there is a high level of hostility or a history of domestic violence between the parties.
After custody has been determined, the court will allocate the amount of parenting time that each parent will have with the children. This is called the parenting plan. The standard for determining an appropriate parenting plan is what’s considered to be in the “best interests” of the child. In many counties parties are required to attempt negotiating a parenting plan through mediation programs. Many of the current studies show that significant contact, including overnights with both parents is important to the future emotional stability and well being of a child.